Sunday, April 1, 2018

Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 4/1/18

What southern Florida is talking about this week:


Except, what with the breakdown of the population here, it's just as likely that folks are talking about Passover.

Whether you spent the day thinking about a Walking Dead crossover with Negan and zombie Jesus ... or contemplating how lucky you were that the Angel of Death didn't take your oldest child because of what was pretty much the equivalent of flashing your gang colors for safety ... or, as a bonus this year, reminiscing about life before 44.5* made EVERY day feel like April Fool's Day (*I still believe in my heart of hearts that he won't last the whole term) ... here's hoping that your day was a happy one -- and that maybe it included ham (and carrot velveeta casserole [with an UTZ chips topping], mashed potatoes, rolls and pineapple bread pudding for dessert).

If nothing else, maybe we can join in with the Pope dude, who went on record thusly earlier:  "Today we implore fruits of peace upon the entire world."