Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 1/24/18

being of mostly sound mind & rapidly aging body

Used in a sentence:  "It's time for that thing I do where I occasionally update my last will and testament via social media ['cause that gives me so many more witnesses to my final wishes] which I do being of mostly sound mind & rapidly aging body."

Seeing as how this might be the first time I'm officially memorializing this on the blog as opposed to just a random FB status update, I should probably summarize the decisions I've made so far and include the one I've just added.  To whit:

1.)  Please cremate me.  But one of all y'all needs to slip some bacon into my pocket (or wrap me in it if the guy in control of the oven permits it), so that I take that smell with me into whatever comes next.

2.)  Please be sure to sprinkle my ashes in the bodies of water adjacent to where I lived my life (that's the crick in Adamsville, the Quittie in Lebanon/Annville, the Memorial Lake at Ft Indiantown Gap, the Rhine in Koln, the Susquehanna River in Harrisburg, Lake Michigan beaches in Chicago and the Atlantic Ocean here in the FTL).  Important note:  if I die by drowning, then do NOT sprinkle my ashes in these bodies of water as that seems exceptionally cruel.

3.)  And tonight's update:  please play Glen Phillips' "Grief and Praise" at my memorial service (or, you know, whenever you think of me fondly).  To see why I chose this particular song as my dirge, here are the full lyrics to my designated funereal song:

Oh you sisters encircled, you children of mine
You humble my heart and sharpen my mind
Though we're scattered and wearied and change is upon us
We are bound 'til the end, still a family I promise

Though all that you love will be taken some day
By the angel of death or the servants of change
In a floodwater tide without rancor or rage
Sing loud while you're able in grief and in praise

For so many years we swam into the tide
And we would not abandon, heroic and kind
Shared our sweat and our shelter, our bodies and blood
Godspeed and good fortune, I will miss you my love

For all you hold dear will be taken some day
By the angel of death or the servants of change
In a floodwater tide without rancor or rage
So sing loud while you're able in grief and in praise

Now we meet at well of sorrow
Dug down to the heart of the earth
Where it's joined at its source to the spring of hope
Drink deep while you can and give thanks for your thirst

For all that you love will be taken some day
By the angel of death or the servants of change
In a floodwater tide without rancor or rage
So sing loud while you're able in grief and in praise
Sing loud while you're able
In grief and in praise

[NOTE:  I'm not tryin' to die any time soon.  I'm-a just hedging' my bets in case my first heart attack happens when no one else is around (a risk of working from home ...)]