Wednesday, January 31, 2018

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 24

"I do not understand.  Explain yourself!" he commanded.

In my short time living "in the future", I had been prepped for this.

"I am looking to reunite with my long lost family who sold me as a baby to child-traders of a European customer visiting from new Canada back in the day when we all lived in Chitown."

Captain Sandy AND my IntransiGent friends had told me that referencing a past in Chicago would all but guarantee me that I could get through any questioning that I would face at the border, because that city had been through so much.

Epic stories about epic locations provided epic cover -- or so they had assured me.

"I just want to learn the story of my past," I stated, with the puppiest of puppy dog eyes I could muster.

It appeared that just one gentleman stood between me and my entry to East America via the port of Old Orleans.  If I could only convince him that the papers with which I had been provided were sufficient, I would be an accepted immigrant in a 2084 world.

Clearly way too much authority had been entrusted to one human.

"Not all the stories have happy endings," he said, with a sadness I wasn't expecting from he who passed as a border agent in that future world.

"I'm sorry?", I said.

He didn't specifically reply.  "I'm going to stamp your papers.  But I want you to know that I can't promise you that what you'll find will be of comfort to you."

I nodded my head  My mentors had clearly communicated that, above all else, I was NOT to engage.  My problems of being an illegal immigrant some sixty plus years after an era in which I once belonged were mine to bear.

The night about which I am sharing was all about me getting access to then new world in which I found myself.  And I was successful.. As to what came next, I'll have to share that with you on the last day of the month next, as that is the only window of time in which I can communicate.

Until then, I remain Troy in 2084 -- now known as Ilion -- as brought to the future by t1a7n72.lif (my SQ, IQ and EQ files uploaded to the Vitalnet) communicating with you through the use of Troy in 2018's social media accounts.

Talk to you soon!