Friday, July 7, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 7/7/17

Tonight's theme for the 40th batch of photos of my father's that I inherited when he passed is "The Peiffers!".  Before returning to the reunion in 1980 that I started featuring last time (this time with some shots of the Peiffers), I am pleased to show the first photo of all of the surviving children of my maternal great-grandparents John Peiffer and Margaret Demmy.  I get so fixated on the connection between Neidermyers and chickens that I forget that I also come from early 1900's cigar makers (the aforementioned John). 

#196:  handwritten date of May 15, 1987 on back of photo of my paternal grandmother and her siblings (in order from oldest to youngest):  Esther Mae, Beatrice, Edith, Naomi, Robert, Margaret and Kathryn (sons Charles and John died in the 50's) -- note that somebody will have to help me assign names to each sibling other than the two on each end whom I know (Robert and Esther Mae)
#197:  1980 Neidermyer-Peiffer reunion (the first one!) showing some of my grandma's siblings
#198:  1980 Neidermyer-Peiffer reunion with Uncle Junior (my dad's brother) talking to unknown family members (with a Neidermyer chicken truck in the background)
#199::  1980 Neidermyer-Peiffer reunion shot of more Peiffers
#200:  unknown smiling man performing shoveling task in the woods (?) with "Buffy - Sara & Gordon" written on the back (so maybe someone can explain that?)