Monday, July 31, 2017

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 18

Oh the things I learned from Captain Sandy on the boat ride from the Florida Isles to Old Orleans.  (By the way, in case you're not aware, it's Ilion in 2084 contacting you via Troy in 2017's social media account in that small window of time on the last day of the month as the Vitalnet updates.)

I kept my forged identity papers close by me on the trip, so as to be ready at any time should I have come into contact with a member of the PCB (Population Control Board) during the voyage.  The IntransiGents had told me that there were others on the modified yacht that belonged to the group that had taken me in after I arrived in 2084 via the portal, but for all of our protection, I didn't know specifically who any of them were.  In my mind, it seemed that the best way to be prepared was to treat everyone as if he or she might have been with the PCB .

Captain Sandy was my confidante though.  She knew my secret.  And, during the trip, I came to know some of hers.  Our first private conversation happened during the testing of my Corti-hair that was required before I was approved to board.  That day, the first thing she had to explain to me was how medical prognostic testing had advanced to new levels once they learned that the little hairs inside the ear in the organ of Corti carried markers on them for susceptibility for or exposure to almost any disease.  

She explained that that medical advancement was actually one of those happy accidents, discovered when scientists went looking for a direct link to the brain for a better delivery system for social media notifications, as they had grown exponentially to the point where they were so distracting that the phenomenon had led to the proliferation of Ultra-AD-Super-HD in the populace.

Ultimately, she was testing to make sure that I had never been exposed to jbola -- and, of course, I never had been, seeing as how jbola was the successful weaponization of the ebola disease that had wreaked havoc in my original era (fbola, gbola, hbola and ibola had all been failures in the governmental secret labs).  Kim Jong-un's daughter Kim Ju-ae had released it in America seeking retribution for the assassination of her father, but luckily enough, the antidote there had been stockpiled to avoid a population being wiped out.  Unfortunately, the jbola plague was only controlled in the "have" nations, and those that fell into the "have nots" category were decimated.  

To that end, Captain Sandy shared with me that the entire continent of Africa was now just a jbola zone, with no travel permitted  in or out.  She mentioned that reports from that land were that the animals had reclaimed the entire continent since the chemically engineered jbola did not affect them in the ways that the natural ebola had in my time.

That was just one of the many stories about the state of current affairs that I heard from Captain Sandy as we sailed the seas under the stars ... and I intend to share more of them with you on the last day of the month next. Until that time, I remain Troy in 2084 now known as Ilion as brought to the future by t1a7n72.lif (my SQ, IQ and EQ files uploaded to the Vitalnet).