Friday, June 9, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 6/9/17

Tonight's theme for the 38th batch of photos of my father's that I inherited when he passed is "family reunion 1980 (part one)".  And I have to say that, nearly 200 pictures into this project, this upcoming set (in three parts), include some of my favorite photos I've posted to date.  Selfishly, it may because in 1980 I was eight years old, which means I can still very distinctly remember when dozens and dozens of Neidermyers AND Peiffers (my paternal grandma's side of the family) would take over Brownstown Park in Lancaster County near the original family property.  If there's a sad aspect it's that a good many of the people seen in these shots from nearly four decades ago are no longer with us ... but since we have these photos, we can remember them forever.  And, for fun, in three of the photos you can see half-naked wet cousin Donnie -- which means that these pictures were taken AFTER he engaged all the young kids in a water balloon battle that likely got out of hand. 

#186:  Grandpa Paul is seated in white shirt near middle of photo with my Aunt Margaret seated next to him and my Uncle Fred with a big mustache standing next to him in the blue shirt ... my dad is framed in the middle of the back opening, which is where you can see half-naked wet cousin Donnie
#187:  a closer shot of Aunt Margaret (who looks like she's praying to the crockpots) with half-naked wet cousin Donnie (her son) directly across from her
#188:  half-naked wet cousin Donnie in the foreground with two of the Peiffer sisters (my great-aunts as they were siblings of my paternal grandmother)
#189:  lots of family gathered around the picnic tables (although I'm not sure I can identify a single one)
#190:  from right to left, my Uncle Fred, my father Ralph and Ralph's 4th of 5 wives (not that he had any of them at the same time or anything like that -- collecting wives was just his second favorite hobby after playing with toy trains)