Friday, June 23, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 6/23/17

Tonight's theme for the 39th batch of photos of my father's that I inherited when he passed is "Esther and her best friend".  In case you missed all of the other photos (including the big big batch of pet pics that I am almost finished featuring), Esther, the lady showing up in all of this set but one, is my paternal grandmother (my dad Ralph's mother) ... and "her best friend" is Fluffy, the puppy I associated with her when visiting their house when I was a little kid.

#191:  fuzzy photo of Fluffy and Grandma Esther in the driveway in front of the flag
#192:  clearer photo of Fluffy and Grandma Esther in the driveway in front of the flag
#193:  a bigger Fluffy and Grandma Esther in front of the family car with my dad's writing on the bottom of the Polaroid that says: "mom - pup"
#194:  Fluffy and Grandma Esther in front of the Christmas tree
#195:  Fluffy on a pedestal in front of flowers