Friday, May 19, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 5/19/17

When it comes to these photos from twenty years ago in 1997 that were all taken at the PA Renaissance Faire that year, I promised a big finish.

Mind you, there will still be more pics from 1997 to be posted ... but this is the *last* of the ones from the Faire that I've been featuring.

And it doesn't get much bigger of a finish than Jakey and my one and only elephant ride (which, I tell you, would probably not be expected to have happened in central PA of all places). 

I'm guessing (hoping?) that this is no longer a feature at the Faire, what with today's modern sensibility toward these magnificent creatures to understand that they would rather be doing anything *other than* walking around in a small circle over and over again with silly humans on their backs ... but for the time period, it created a special memory.

[Note:  Jakey and I *also* went on our one and only helicopter ride around that same time ... but there were no pics taken of that adventure.]