Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 4/19/17

Thank You Donald Trump:  A Trumptych

Used in a sentence:  "Today, I offer up part three of what is now, when taking in conjunction with the other two posts, a full 'Thank you Donald Trump:  A Trumptych'".

For this final entry in the series, Thank You Donald Trump for showing me the true colors of my Facebook "friends".

I will tell you this -- I never bought into the whole "clean up my friends list" craze that started last year when election things got out of hand.  I did not live in a bubble ... hell, I drove from the south of Florida up into central PA -- on the back roads -- and I cautiously predicted that the game would be changed based on all the signs I saw in the countryside.  But most importantly, I believed in the concept that I needed to know that hatred and bigotry and a fear of the other was alive and well in the divided states of America in order to "stay woke".

I saw what you all posted.  I didn't feel it my calling to comment on every hateful thing you put up on the Facebook and attached to your name ... but I made note of it.  I know which ones of you have been radicalized ('cause, guess what, ISIS isn't alone in its powerful conversion activity -- Huckabee does just as good of a job at turning folks into extremists).  I have looked at your friends list on the Facebook and determined that if the only pop of color I saw on it was the one black kid who went to your high school that  I wasn't going to place so much value in *your* opinion on the Black Lives Matter movement in those instances.

Truth be told, I'm friends with some of you just because I'm hoping that I'll get interviewed when they make the documentary about the day you finally snapped and went on a killing spree, safe in the comfort that I live far enough away from most of you that you'll be caught before you and your craziness make it all the way down here.  (You know who you are.)  I've even practiced my comment:  "We all saw [insert your name here] post increasingly bizarre things, but we assumed that someone who loved him [or her] would intervene."

I'm still watching you.  I know things now about you.  I have Trump to thank for that.  And I expect my friends list might get smaller now that I'm admitting all this.  Spoiler alert:  I'll deal.  I promise.  I always have.  I always will.  Trump or no Trump.