Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Random TNT for Tuesday 4/11/17

TNT ... Chicago 15

1  There were three months about which they could have been catching up.  2  Instead, they were awkwardly staring at each other, unsure as to who should speak next after they had both just asked each other how the other one had been.

3  Marta was the one who broke the silence.  4  "How's your sister?  5  She would have had her baby by now, right?"

6  The asking of the question was proof enough that they had spent too much time apart.  7  It only highlighted the fact that their tiff on New Year's Eve was a big one.  8  She had no idea that he walked out of that party and into a curbside nativity scene of sorts.

9  Zar was saddened by the realization that his best friend had not been a part of his life for so many weeks.  10  Disheartened as he was, he still felt the need to reply.  

11 "Yep.  12  Baby girl.  13  Gabriella April."

14  The server provided the next interruption to the awkward silence.

15  "And here you go sweetheart," she said as she placed the bowl of noodles in front of him.  16  "You guys need anything else?" she asked.

17  Marta wanted to answer honestly and say that she needed her bestie to be back in her life.  18  Zar wanted to reply and confirm that a boatload of money would satisfy him.  19  Instead, both just politely shook their heads back and forth conveying the universal sign for "waitress dismissal".

20  Each one picked at the food in front of them.  21  It was much easier to do that than to ask for forgiveness.

22  Again, it was Marta who made the effort.

23  "And things are good at work?" she queried.

24  "Good enough," Zar answered.  "Same old, same old."

25  The conversation was almost painful.  26  It shouldn't have been so hard for people who cared for each other deep down inside so so much to speak with each other.

27  "You have to believe me.  28  I wasn't trying to cause trouble.that night.  29  It was exactly the opposite.  30  I was trying to cause peace."

31  Once again, it was Marta who was making the most effort to recapture what was lost.

32  Zar flashed a wan smile.  33  "It's over.  34  It was what it was.  35  But it's also kind of why I asked you here today."  36  Zar pushed his noodles around on his plate again for almost a full minute before continuing.

37  "I need your help.  38  Our landlord is threatening eviction.  39  I need your help in getting some fast money.  40  I need you to help me break into J's house and rob his roommates."

41  They might have thought it was awkward before, but they were truly only getting started.

42  He made direct eye contact for the first time since they sat down together.

43  "You owe me!" he declared almost ominously, simultaneously blowing up the awkward meter of anyone who happened to be seated nearby and taking measurements of their interaction.