Friday, April 21, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 4/21/17

Yep, we're nearing the end of the set of photos from the 1997 PA Renaissance Faire twenty years ago ('cause that's how the Friday flashbacks work on the alternate weeks I'm not featuring the photos of my father's I inherited when he passed -- we go back in time a whole two decades to see what was happening in that era).

Someone still around central PA will have to tell me if this giant knight still exists on the grounds at Mt Hope, but on this trip, it seemed like a good place as any to take that which passed for a selfie back then.  By the way -- that which passed for a selfie back then was asking the little kid you took to the Faire to take your picture (photo credit:  Jakey W).

Just two more shots from this excursion remain to be posted ... and consider yourself warned now that I'm promising that there will be a big BIG finish ...