Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 3/8/17

Bacon of the Month (for Feb '17).

Used in a sentence: "The new super-bacony blog concept for 2017 continues with the next entry in the relatively new series -- here's Bacon of the Month (for Feb '17)."

As a reminder, all this year, we'll be working through the "outrageous" bacon treats at the first link below (or to follow if you're seeing this on the Facebook).

And another quick note ... despite this being tagged as a March entry (which is actually being posted in April through the magic of post-dating on the blog), it IS the February edition of this series.  Hopefully we'll be all caught up and back on a normal schedule soon enough.

As you can figure out from the pics, this time it was bacon pizza -- not pizza with bacon as a topping, but a regular pizza made entirely on top of a bacon-weave.  I can only say that I am looking for as many other things that can be built on top of a bacon-weave as possible (and I haven't ruled out my own bald head)!  

Can't wait to see what bacony goodness shows up "next month"!