Saturday, March 11, 2017

Random Soapbox for Saturday 3/11/17

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

... I will ... because all throughout the Lenten season, I'm going to rave instead of rant ...

[note:  I know you're likely not reading this until long after Lent, but thanks to the power of post-dating on the blog, I'm going to slip this in to the spot where I had originally intended it to be ...]

We've got good news!

The "coach house" in the back yard has a confirmed resident for the season.  If you can't spot him, I'll provide a zoom in below (or all together if you're seeing this over on the Facebook)  And yes, this just might be the last year for the aforementioned "coach house" seeing as how gravity seems to be having its way with the structure.

By the way -- in lieu of the typical companion links, I'll post two *more* pics, which are the ones taken of the occupant from this time *last* year.  I'll let you be the judge as to whether it's actually the same little guy all along ...