Sunday, September 1, 2019

JUST ONE MORE ... bucket list item (so as to live more) [September 2019]

JUST ONE MORE … bucket list item (so as to live more).

To start with a disclaimer, it is not the end of days (although it sometimes feels like the *beginning* of the end of days).  It's just that, as it relates to my ongoing concept that is designed so that I can try to find a way to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks [or just me] to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach, and apathy often seems to be running rampant, I've designated 2019 as the chance to live like it was the end of days.

More specifically, since January, I've been exploring "the year of more".  I spent the months in Q1 focused on "laughing more" and those in Q2 on "loving more" … with Q3 being reserved for thinking of ways to feel like I was "living more".  ("Being happy more" will complete this concept in Q4).  I first had to operationally define what I meant by "living more", and I decided that it was about less postponing of those items on your wish list ... less making of excuses for not doing things you enjoy ... less getting stuck in a rut and thinking that you'll "one day" get around to participating in the good things of life   Ironically -- I defined "more" by making a list of things of which I'd do 'less".

Now it's September, and I'll be investing time into thinking about that classic "bucket list" phenomenon … and into taking action to cross a few things off it before the 30 days have passed.  Mind you, resources are limited due to other circumstances, so taking that trip to outer space or even returning to Koln nearly 30 years after I studied abroad there for a semester are not going to happen.  But there are still a lot of little things that I put into my potential to do list that I slide into another month or another year as the date approaches.  Maybe it's time to stop that behavior … and to start executing
just one more … bucket list item (so as to live more).

Thursday, August 1, 2019

JUST ONE MORE ... outdoor activity (so as to live more) [August 2019]

JUST ONE MORE ... outdoor activity (so as to live more).

To give credit where credit is due, Andrea True (and her Connection) said it first back in the Disco era -- but as previously discussed, I'm adding one extra "more" to her "more, more, more" when it comes to the 2019 version of my concept that is designed so that I can try to find a way to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks [or just me] to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach, and apathy often seems to be running rampant.

Having already focused on "laughing more" in Q1 and "loving more" in Q2, we're now in the middle of rallying around "living more" in Q3 (with "being happy more" ahead to close out the year in Q4).  We've established that "living more" means less postponing of those items on your wish list ... less making of excuses for not doing things you enjoy ... less getting stuck in a rut and thinking that you'll "one day" get around to participating in the good things of life 

Specifically for August, it's going to be all about getting up off the couch and making the time to get outside and to enjoy the sunshine (or the rain, if the current weather pattern holds where me and mine live).  According to this source (, doing that very thing can increase your short-term memory, help you de-stress, reduce inflammation, eliminate depression, fight fatigue and (cue Andrea) "more, more, more" -- so many reasons to do what you've been told to do since you were a kid -- go outside to play for
just one more … outdoor activity (so as to live more).

Monday, July 1, 2019

JUST ONE MORE ... concert (so as to live more) [July 2019]

JUST ONE MORE ... concert (so as to live more).

We declared 2019 to be the year of "more" long before the possible health and potential career troubles popped up recently in our lives.  And now that they have, we're RE-declaring 2019 to be the year of "more" no matter what lies ahead.  After all, laughing more (Q1), loving more (Q2), living more (Q3) and being happy more (Q4) might now just be even *more* important.

So we march on to the tune of "more" even *more*.  This month kicks off "living more" when it comes to the ongoing special concept of mine that started over three years ago and that is designed so that I can try to find a way to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks [or just me] to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach, and apathy often seems to be running rampant.

In our humble opinion, "living more" means less postponing of those items on your wish list ... less making of excuses for not doing things you enjoy ... less getting stuck in a rut and thinking that you'll "one day" get around to participating in the good things of life 

Specifically for July ... and especially pertinent to me and my year to date ... the focus is going to be on the emotional experience that comes from attending a concert of a favorite performer.  May it encourage you to book tickets to someone you like in order to get them on your social calendar ... or to research free events coming up in your area if you're on a budget ... or to just throw some records on and sing along in the comfort of your own house if going to an event with lots of other people gives you agitas.  However you do it ... just please consider joining me in enjoying just one more ... concert (so as to live more).

Saturday, June 1, 2019

JUST ONE MORE ... agape thing (so as to love more) [June 2019]

JUST ONE MORE ... agape thing (so as to love more).

As declared back on January 1 of this year, 2019 is the year of "more" when it comes to this ongoing special concept of mine that started over three years ago and that is designed so that I can try to find a way to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks [or just me] to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach, and apathy often seems to be running rampant.

So far we've been focused during this year of "more" on ways to *laugh* more and to *love* more ... with *living* more and *being happy* more on the itinerary for later (and maybe next year we'll do *parallel structure* more).

But before we turn to new things, there's still one more month to think about ways to *love* more ... and by *love*, we're talking about the BIG one -- the "agape" one (of course).  As our source material states, agape love (or altruistic love ... or universal love) "
helps to build and maintain the psychological, social, and, indeed, environmental fabric that shields, sustains, and enriches us ... [g]iven the increasing anger and division in our society, and the state of our planet, we could all do with quite a bit more agape."  (Link here:

As per usual, over on the Facebook, I'll keep the reminders going all month long for anyone who chooses to join me in focusing on the greatest love of all.  Because let's face it -- what the world needs now is just one (or a hundred) more ... agape thing/s (so as to love more).

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

JUST ONE MORE ... philautia thing (so as to love more) [May 2019]

JUST ONE MORE ... philautia thing (so as to love more).

It's the year of "more" -- or at least, with regards to this ongoing special concept of mine designed so that I can try to find 
a way to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks [or just me] to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach, and apathy often seems to be running rampant, it's the year of "more".

In case you've not been following, the first three months of this year of "more" focused on ways to laugh more ... but we've pivoted now to finding ways to *love* more!  ("Living more" and "being happy more" are still to come.)

For this month, we're looking toward something new to me -- "philautia" love, which is designed to be the best of the best when it comes to loving yourself more (and we're talking about self-esteem and self-confidence and not anything tawdrier).  The concept as sourced at the link below explains it thusly:  " ... [being] 
able to invest themselves completely in projects and people because they do not fear failure or rejection ... of course they suffer hurt and disappointment, but their setbacks neither damage nor diminish them ... owing to their resilience, they are open to growth experiences and relationships, tolerant of risk, quick to joy and delight, and accepting and forgiving of themselves and others." (Link here:

As always, over on the Facebook, I'll keep the reminders going all month long for anyone who chooses to join me in focusing on a little bit of much needed self-love.  Because let's face it -- anything that increases our self-confidence and self-esteem is something worth pursuing as ... just one more ... philautia thing (so as to love more).

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 39

It didn't take long for Mattie 3.0 to claim the response from Brother Bain, the turn-of-the-last-century fax machine hidden in the back of the refrigerator of his Old Orleans apartment, and to decipher its glyph-code.

"They want you to take him up on his offer to take you to this place -- and they'll push off the trip to the Chicago City Reserve until after you get back," he explained matter-of-factly.

(In case you had forgotten, the relevant "him" was that old man who had approached me on the corner telling me that New Orleans still existed and that he could take me there -- even though everyone in 2084 new that the New Madrid Quake of 2023 had split the United States in two and, when combined with the effects of global warming, had created the Bay of Mississippi where the River once ran, meaning that the original New Orleans [as opposed to the facsimile of it called Old Orleans in which I found myself] was clearly at the bottom of that Bay.)

"Well there you go," I replied.  "I'm a guest of the IntransiGents -- so I'll do as they say.  What do we have to do before tonight to get ready?" I queried.

Mattie 3.0 re-read the document in his hand before replying.

"It's more about what *you* have to do.  I'm not authorized to join you.  *This* is a solo mission for you."

I wasn't expecting that surprise.  "Me?  By myself?  Even though I'm not of this place and time?"

"The IntransiGents know what you eventually became from having access to your IQ, EQ and SQ files, so they believe in your skill set -- even though you don't yet know the roles you have played in the Uprisings through the years." Mattie 3.0 explained.

"Right ... but ... shouldn't I be told that part of my history so that I can act accordingly on this mission?" I countered.

"That would be too risky at this juncture.  If you travel back through time armed with *that* information, it might influence your choices in your immediate future in a way that leads to different outcomes in this time."

His response made my head hurt.  And since your head might be feeling the same way, so this is probably a good spot to end this missive, seeing as how the Vitalnet update window is almost over.  In other words -- take two aspirin and meet me on Troy-in-2019's social media on the last day of the month next, won't you?

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Random Posting for Penn State 4/13/19

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from this year's Blue/White game:

1.)  Housekeeping note:  Even though the game was indeed on the afternoon of Sa the 13th, the Big10 network didn't air it until later that night ... and I didn't watch what had been recorded until Mon or Tues ... and here it is the Sa after when I'm finally posting ... BUT thanks to the magic of the "post-date" feature on the blog, posterity will think that this all happened the same day.

2.)  As someone who has not been a lifelong football enthusiast who only really gravitated toward being a part of the "we are ..." chant after moving to Chicago in 2001 and wanting a connection to back home despite being so far away, I have to tell you that the whole "we'll make up the rules as we go along" environment of the spring game keeps me in a confused state for most of the event.
3.)  So if boxers who can easily get knocked out have a "glass chin", does poor Tommy STEVENS have a "glass foot"?
4.)  In related news, hey there Sean CLIFFORD ... I remember you from a few games last season!
5.)  In additional related news, exactly how many QBs are we going to get to see today?  And we seriously have ourselves a "Michael Johnson" in that role?  Admittedly, I'm old, but doesn't the Olympic athlete from the late 90's have that name copyrighted yet?
6.)  Hey Judge CULPEPPER -- please ask the powers that be for a bigger shirt.  I mean I know that Cher pioneered the whole "get your belly button past the censors" thing decades prior to your airtime ... but hers wasn't quite so hairy in HD.
7.)  Hey announcerpeople -- when you tell us that Noah CAIN plays for both teams (as it relates to today's game), since the majority of your audience is "woke", we assume that means that he's proudly representing the B in the gay alphabet.
8.)  Hey announcerpeople -- we too are pleased to see Mr. MILLEN return ... with a brand new heart.  As such, we'll suppress any of the snark that normally appears in this section.
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be Dan CHISENA ... because everyone loves a "you-won-a-scholarship" moment during a game!

In closing, thanks to "thin-hipped, sized-15-shoe-wearing" Brandon SMITH for getting everyone so excited about the season ahead ... and here's to a full summer of fun before Labor Day weekend (and our game against the Idaho Vandals) arrives!