Sunday, September 1, 2019

JUST ONE MORE ... bucket list item (so as to live more) [September 2019]

JUST ONE MORE … bucket list item (so as to live more).

To start with a disclaimer, it is not the end of days (although it sometimes feels like the *beginning* of the end of days).  It's just that, as it relates to my ongoing concept that is designed so that I can try to find a way to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks [or just me] to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach, and apathy often seems to be running rampant, I've designated 2019 as the chance to live like it was the end of days.

More specifically, since January, I've been exploring "the year of more".  I spent the months in Q1 focused on "laughing more" and those in Q2 on "loving more" … with Q3 being reserved for thinking of ways to feel like I was "living more".  ("Being happy more" will complete this concept in Q4).  I first had to operationally define what I meant by "living more", and I decided that it was about less postponing of those items on your wish list ... less making of excuses for not doing things you enjoy ... less getting stuck in a rut and thinking that you'll "one day" get around to participating in the good things of life   Ironically -- I defined "more" by making a list of things of which I'd do 'less".

Now it's September, and I'll be investing time into thinking about that classic "bucket list" phenomenon … and into taking action to cross a few things off it before the 30 days have passed.  Mind you, resources are limited due to other circumstances, so taking that trip to outer space or even returning to Koln nearly 30 years after I studied abroad there for a semester are not going to happen.  But there are still a lot of little things that I put into my potential to do list that I slide into another month or another year as the date approaches.  Maybe it's time to stop that behavior … and to start executing
just one more … bucket list item (so as to live more).