Monday, July 1, 2019

JUST ONE MORE ... concert (so as to live more) [July 2019]

JUST ONE MORE ... concert (so as to live more).

We declared 2019 to be the year of "more" long before the possible health and potential career troubles popped up recently in our lives.  And now that they have, we're RE-declaring 2019 to be the year of "more" no matter what lies ahead.  After all, laughing more (Q1), loving more (Q2), living more (Q3) and being happy more (Q4) might now just be even *more* important.

So we march on to the tune of "more" even *more*.  This month kicks off "living more" when it comes to the ongoing special concept of mine that started over three years ago and that is designed so that I can try to find a way to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks [or just me] to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach, and apathy often seems to be running rampant.

In our humble opinion, "living more" means less postponing of those items on your wish list ... less making of excuses for not doing things you enjoy ... less getting stuck in a rut and thinking that you'll "one day" get around to participating in the good things of life 

Specifically for July ... and especially pertinent to me and my year to date ... the focus is going to be on the emotional experience that comes from attending a concert of a favorite performer.  May it encourage you to book tickets to someone you like in order to get them on your social calendar ... or to research free events coming up in your area if you're on a budget ... or to just throw some records on and sing along in the comfort of your own house if going to an event with lots of other people gives you agitas.  However you do it ... just please consider joining me in enjoying just one more ... concert (so as to live more).