Saturday, June 1, 2019

JUST ONE MORE ... agape thing (so as to love more) [June 2019]

JUST ONE MORE ... agape thing (so as to love more).

As declared back on January 1 of this year, 2019 is the year of "more" when it comes to this ongoing special concept of mine that started over three years ago and that is designed so that I can try to find a way to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks [or just me] to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach, and apathy often seems to be running rampant.

So far we've been focused during this year of "more" on ways to *laugh* more and to *love* more ... with *living* more and *being happy* more on the itinerary for later (and maybe next year we'll do *parallel structure* more).

But before we turn to new things, there's still one more month to think about ways to *love* more ... and by *love*, we're talking about the BIG one -- the "agape" one (of course).  As our source material states, agape love (or altruistic love ... or universal love) "
helps to build and maintain the psychological, social, and, indeed, environmental fabric that shields, sustains, and enriches us ... [g]iven the increasing anger and division in our society, and the state of our planet, we could all do with quite a bit more agape."  (Link here:

As per usual, over on the Facebook, I'll keep the reminders going all month long for anyone who chooses to join me in focusing on the greatest love of all.  Because let's face it -- what the world needs now is just one (or a hundred) more ... agape thing/s (so as to love more).