Wednesday, August 31, 2016

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 7

This is a good news, bad news situation.  The good news is that it is still *JULY* here in my time ... which is 2084.  That means not only did I succeed in continuing to access the loophole in the Vitalnet that allows me to communicate with the past on the last day of your months, but I also figured out how to send longer messages.  The bad news is that I am still not able to send the entirety of those missives without alerting my e-asylum keepers that I am taking advantage of this loophole.  That means that even though I've managed to "freeze" time where I am, it is still advancing where you, the reader, are.  That also means that I'll have to continue to prioritize that which I am sharing with you, and that it may take me longer to explain the decades of history you've yet to experience.  "One upgrade forward, two bugs back" as we say in my day.  But all the same, it is progress of some sort, which isn't easy to come by in the world in which I now exist (a software system housing my IQ, EQ and SQ files).  Until the next part of my communique reaches you, I remain aware of where it is from which we've come ... and where it is we just might go, as chatter about the Fourth Uprising increases, and as I remain t1a7n72.lif.