Monday, February 29, 2016

2 0 8 4: T h e B e g i n n i n g

If you can read this, then I have successfully taken advantage of the glitch in the asylum's software. It is Feb 29 2084 as I compose this note, and I believe that it will hit your social media feed on Leap Day of a different year (possibly 2016). To those of you calculating my age, I am indeed officially 112 years old -- but I am no longer in my body as it gave out long ago. My consciousness and my memories are on a device similar to what you would refer to in your time as a "zip drive", but that is being kept under lock and key as I am incarcerated in MY time for not conforming to the current societal structure. Now that I have discovered this loophole, it is my intent to smuggle out information about the future whenever I can. If I am correct about the way that I can manipulate this malfunction, at a minimum, I should be able to do so on the last day of every month. As for now, I don't want to trigger any sensors, so I can't say more this evening ... but I look forward to communicating with you from the future in the months ahead.